Sketch 32
only color
Sketch 31
landscape #2
Sketch 30
Sketch 29
people shadows at the zoo
Sketch 28
light sketch
Sketch 27
Sketch 26
I see a little white house in the south field
i see paths placed by heavy rains and hard hooves
i see fertile skies and rolling winds
i see little girls dreaming of skipping over the trees and little boys unafraid of flying girls
Sketch 25
one two three last of the little plants
Sketch 24
little plant waiting
Sketch 23
How important is line - for form - patience - separation - and value?
Sketch 22
the conflict inside the artist to live both within themselves and the world
Sketch 21
Red clouds over white seas behind brown grass below red clouds
Sketch 20
Hills of paint formed by palms
Sketch 19
waves in three
Sketch 18
heart while growing
Sketch 17
the illusion of fences
Sketch 16
Blue and Gold
Sketch 15
fog and glass
Sketch 14
30 miles away
and i could still see you